Inspired by the simple and efficient construction techniques used for large machines such as diggers where complex shapes are created by assembling several more simple steel elements and by welding them together in such a way that it looks as if it were one piece.
If the technique comes from a fairly brutal context, the legs of the tables and the way they connect to the table have been designed to look refined and reassuring. From the sides, it almost looks like the tabletop is resting on very little.
The architecture of the steel legs can also be read as if they were made like an architectural mock-up made out of white foam board, and where each piece that has been separately cut is glued to the other.
The table can have different personalities and functionalities since the legs can be attached to the tabletop in different positions. When the legs are very tight together and close to the center, it is more a dining table. While when the legs are spread apart and placed closed to the sides, it transforms itself more into a desk where the manager can easily glide from one side to the other in his armchair.
The table is conceived in such a way that the supporting structure is inserted within the wooden tabletop.
In a way, because of its simplified construction technique, this table is some kind of “new minimalism” but minimalism with a strong personality, so not formal minimalism. A work on reduced use of materials and a limited transformation process.

welded table with flashy orange legs and white carrara marble.

tradition versus modernity, or a dialogue between the past and the present.

a simple graphic linearity.

with a solid wooden top.

or a carrara marble top.

Picture courtesy Valery Assenat, scenography Aurélia Grandel de Keating ( for Madame Figaro, FR )

welding steel parts as if they were a mock-up made out of foamboard.

what I call "simplexity". simple, yet complex enough to remain interesting.

picture courtesy of Living magazine ph. Beppe Brancato styling Elena Caponi. ( Corriere de la Sera, IT )

the welded table on the "designer of the year" stand at Interieur Kortijk.

picture courtesy Vincent Poinas ( IDEAT Magazine, FR )